Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Later tweets tonight

Joe Pags tweeted,
the warrant for #JacobBlake was third-degree sexual assault, trespassing and disorderly conduct in connection with domestic abuse last month. Does #LeBron know this? The #NBA?

Ian Miles Cheong tweeted,
Looting and violence has erupted in Minneapolis after a man shot himself as police approached him. How is this the fault of the police?

Gov Mike Huckabee tweeted,
From mid-70's I've committed to see every human life from conception to natural death as a life w/ intrinsic worth & value. Sanctity of life isn't political for me-it's moral. Why will I support
& pray you will? Did you hear 1 word of support for life from DNC?

Paula Bolyard wrote in PJ Media,
Pence with the line of the night:: "You won't be safe in Joe Biden's America."

Jeff Reynolds wrote in PJ Media,
We're opening up America's schools (in states that don't have tin-pot dictator governors).

Bryan Preston wrote in PJ Media,
...When the pandemic struck, we had a strong economy thanks in large part to American energy dominance. We have the possibly of a V-shaped recovery because of American energy dominance.

Joe Biden would end all of that, for unreliable and expensive "alternative" energy -- that still requires extensive, damaging mining, and would make us dependent on China for key rare earth minerals.

American energy independence alone is enough reason to support Trump over Biden.

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