Monday, August 24, 2020

Early quotes and tweets

David Harsanyi tweeted,
So do platforms matter or not? The Dem one has an entire section on state-funded abortion on demand and gun confiscation.

Dinesh D'Souza tweeted,
The hilarious thing about white supremacist Richard Spencer’s embrace of Biden & the Democrats is that Spencer was always a leftist. The Left created a fake story by making him the quintessential Trumpster, a poster boy of the alt-Right. So what are these fakers going to say now?

Rupali Chadha, M.D. tweeted,

The data for masks is POOR and the data for HCQ is BETTER.. and yet, science is murdered for politics...

The Last Refuge tweeted,
Today House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called President Trump supporters: "enemies of the state"....

Stephen Green, who is liveblogging tonight's festivities at the RNC, wrote in VodkaPundit,
I'm not always a fan of Trump's scattershot method of attacking his critics, mostly because he's so much more effective when he's more focused.

But watching this bit where he's talking to custodial worker, nurses, etc, working on the COVID-19 fight, reminds me how good his common touch is. Unscripted, solid.

Biden used to be able to do this stuff acceptably well, but no longer.

Bryan Preston wrote in VodkaPundit,
The tone this week versus last week could not be more different. The best word I could come up with for the Democrats' convention was "funereal." It was drab and dour and it really felt like a eulogy.

The Republicans are out of the gate with optimistic messages. They're hitting hard, but delivering a hopeful message with actual energy and belief.

And no Hollywood celebrities.

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