Friday, August 07, 2020

A few more thought-provoking tweets 8-7-20

Dr. Simone Gold tweeted,
Censorship is typically preceded by a disinformation campaign. It is now underway.

Fifteen years ago when Dr. Fauci was the Director of the NIH, their official Journal published chloroquine worked against SARS-CoV.

That is now a very embarrassing fact for the anti-HCQ cabal.

James Todaro, MD tweeted,
Are we just going to ignore the fact that Sweden never issued stay-at-home orders, kept schools open, didn't close businesses and the general public does not wear masks...

...and the entire country is down to LESS THAN 1 DEATH per day from COVID-19.

Thomas Sowell tweeted,
In the schools and colleges, the intelligentsia have changed the role of education from equipping students with the knowledge and intellectual skills to weigh issues and make up their own minds into a process of indoctrination with the conclusions already reached by the anointed.

Benny tweeted,
: “The most compelling voice against Abortion and Planned Parenthood is not a Republican. The most widely heard Christian Evangelist in America is not ordained. Instead he is a rapper..”

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