Friday, July 03, 2020

"We have ourselves a situation!"

JJ Sefton writes in part in his Morning Report in the Ace of Spades blog,
Antifa and BLM, dangerous as they are, are not the instruments of our doom; it's going to be corporate America, now occupied not by bedraggled citizens - now ex-citizens - of CHAZ-CHOP, but by equally brain-damaged stooges with Ivy League degrees and C-suite titles that potentially will bring us to our knees. Things like Nike no longer selling Washington Redskins merchandise may very well lead to the rapid demise of that team's name in a way that several decades of petitions never could have. And that's just one incident. When you consider the terrifying prospect of China's "social scoring," which our very own Google had a big hand in developing, being implemented here - and it may already be implemented - that is how 315 million of us will be made to care by a relative handful of insurrectionists. Couple that with one political party that is a de-facto enemy alien entity and another that is pretending to defend the Constitution, as well as a thoroughly corrupt bureaucracy and courts, propaganda-spewing media and brainwashing mills for schools and we have ourselves a situation.
Read more and click on his links here.

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