Tuesday, July 14, 2020

"The foot soldiers of anarchy"

In the American Thinker, Andrea Widburg writes in part,
Conservatives have been saying a few consistent things about the Black Lives Matter movement: It’s not about black lives, which we can see because of its disinterest in inner-city black-on-black killings, its indifference to the slaughter of black children born and unborn, and its silence about black police officers who’ve been killed. Because America has social and economic mobility, Marxists had to find a different incendiary issue which, in America, is race. And of course, the BLM foot soldiers are primarily made up of college-educated white students, primarily women, who have drunk deeply from the Marxist swill their professors offer them.

Each of those truths about the Black Lives Matter movement is perfectly highlighted in a video that Damani Felder, a black conservative in Texas, posted to Instagram on Monday. Felder was dining with friends at an outdoor venue next to an open plaza in Dallas, Texas. As he repeatedly pans the dining area with his camera, you can see that the diners are a mix of races and ages.

The film begins immediately after a group of about 20 or 25 Black Lives Matter protesters arrayed themselves in an ankle-deep fountain running the length of the dining area. The protesters are, by a pretty clear margin, young, white, and female. In other words, they perfectly match the demographics in American colleges, which are also mostly young, white, and female.

These are the good little girls who have always worked hard in school, diligently imbibing everything their hard-left Democrat teachers and professors have taught them. These “educators” have played on their sense of self-worth, guilt, and credulity to turn themselves into the foot soldiers of anarchy.
Go here to see Mr. Felder's video and read more.

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