Thursday, July 23, 2020

Some tweets I liked today

Ben Carson tweeted,
and I agree that the best-run communities are the ones run locally. Today, we are tearing down the Obama Administration's Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule, which was an overreach of unelected Washington bureaucrats into local communities.

Sara Carter tweeted,
Fmr. #Democrat Congressman Charged With Ballot Fraud

Among the many charges, Michael Myers is accused of "fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections, bribery of an election official"

Bevelyn Beatty tweeted,
"Working with lawyers across the country to file lawsuits against BLM for the damage and destruction they've caused to persons and property. If you or someone you know has been injured or their property destroyed because of the riots incited by BLM, please reach out!

Tom Fitton tweeted,
Wow. Obama federal judge moves to interfere with federal law enforcement trying to manage communist rioters trying to kill federal officers and burn down a federal courthouse. Antifa must be jumping for joy.

Andrew Cuomo tweeted,
There should be a national mask mandate.
Marisa responded to Cuomo,
The death rate would be under 100,000 (same as typical flu season) if 5 Democrat governors, including you, had not mandated the plague into your nursing homes.

Our whole country is in upheaval because of you 5.

You should resign, crawl into a hole, and never come out.

Joe Pags tweeted,
We now know #Hydroxychloroquine IS an effective treatment. The #Media got it wrong. #Fauci was floundering for no reason.
's hope was spot on.
joins me to break down why so many didn't want it to work.

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