Sunday, July 26, 2020

Some tweets and quotes of note

Ben Shapiro tweeted,
The media have claimed over the past three months:
1. Cuomo was great;
2. Seattle's CHOP and Portland were paradisical;
3. Mass riots were no biggie;
4. Enormous BLM protests provided no health risk in the midst of a pandemic.
I can't imagine why they have a credibility gap.

In the Motus blog, Math Mom wrote,
I've always believed that God made all of this to entice us to learn, to experiment, and to marvel at his creation. And I think that he had a bit of paint left over and paints the sky with aurora in the winter just to remind us that he is here for us and loves us.

I believe that everything we do is significant, and believing that keeps me from laying on my horn in frustration at a driver who sits at a green light too long, or getting huffy at someone in the store who is standing in front of the refrigerator door in the milk section, not moving. I think it's important to think kindly, speak politely, and show in my daily transactions that I know God loves us.

MOTUS wrote in her blog,
The funny thing is the paramilitary show up more in the bigger city "protests" whereas small college town protests seem less "organized" - which is to say not funded by Soros-like groups. It's as if they can depend on college towns to provide enough useful idiots of their own (professors, erstwhile indoctrinated stew-dents and hangers-on) so they save their ammo ($$) for other hotbeds.

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