Wednesday, July 15, 2020

On licking or not licking the boots of Chinese dictators

For those of you who follow my blog or are friends on Facebook, you know I am a big fan of the Ace of Spades blog. In addition to my respect for Ace, I love the perspectives offered by co-bloggers Oregon Muse, Misanthropic Humanitarian, Buck Throckmorton, and JJ Sefton especially. Throckmorton today takes apart David Harsanyi of the National Review. I have been reading David since he was with the Denver Post. Then he went to the Federalist, which is one of the best conservative websites, but now he writes in National Review. Two of my favorite writers are Victor Davis Hanson and Andrew McCarthy, both of whom write for National Review, as well as other publications. I have noticed that when Victor writes there his pieces are more high brow than when he writes for American Greatness or PJ Media. I am not much of a fan of high brow, except for Roger Kimball.

So, on to Throckmorton's hard-hitting critique of Harsanyi. He accuses Harsanyi of
pleading the case that we should still export every possible industry and every possible job to China, with the only exception being those specific industries that China harmed us badly in the past year. But otherwise the message is “all China all the time is awesome”, despite China being a tyrannic dictatorship.

On Twitter, Throckmorton asks Harsanyi, "David, can you describe the taste of Chinese boot polish?"

David writes in part,
Populists argue that Americans can do anything, build anything, and achieve anything. But the wonderful reality is that we’re lucky enough not to need to.

Throckmorton finishes with,
National Review and Principled Free Traders™ genuinely hate working class Americans who are not in their caste. But they sure do love them some Chinese dictators.

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