Monday, July 20, 2020

Notable tweets today

Tom Fitton tweeted,
A left-wing group known as
will now capitalize the term "Black" in all of its "news" pieces. "White" will remain lowercase.

Andy Ngo tweeted,
Yesterday in Seattle, a mob of bat-carrying antifa & BLM rioters marched around city, breaking windows one-by-one & starting fires. They ambushed police at West & East precincts, injuring 12. Like Portland, local police aren't allowed to stop the rioters.

Senator Rand Paul tweeted,
Paging Dr. Fauci! According to JHU, NY’s per capita death rate is more than 2X greater than Italy Spain & Britain & more than 8X worse than Florida & 10X worse than Texas. For you to say NY got it done correctly disregards the facts & calls your judgment into question.

Mark Levin tweeted,
Will the president accept the election results? Dumb question. Have the Democrats accepted the results of the 2016 election? And why is the Biden campaign hiring 600 lawyers? To accept the results of the election if he loses?

Paul Sperry tweeted,
BREAKING: Newly declassified internal FBI documents reveal Peter Strzok was working with the CIA "throughout the summer" of 2016 (including before July 31) to share its holdings on "our subjects" in the Trump campaign, in addition to seizing their credit, banking & travel records

Vernon Jones tweeted,
For every
, there’s a million more Democrats like me who will be proudly casting their vote for

The Silent Majority will speak loudly come November. Bet on that.

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