Saturday, July 18, 2020

Early tweets and memorable quotes today

In the Ace of Spades blog, KT reminds us that
the time to speak up is when you still can speak up.

Landon Gooding said, "Michelle Malkin is
A true woman of principle. According to the lame stream, that makes you a far right extremist. Keep it up Michelle!"

Paul Joseph Watson tweeted,
Christianity is under attack across the west, yet Christian leaders are completely AWOL.

Matt Walsh tweeted,
“Say I noticed you were committing a felony. Would you mind if I arrest you? It’s just that we have these things called laws and — what’s that? Oh you DON’T want to be arrested? Okay no problemo, champ! Sorry to bug you!” - How the Left thinks arrests should be made now

Andy Ngo tweeted,
The 50th day of violent protests in Portland.

Antifa & BLM attack the front of the boarded-up federal courthouse. Whenever law enforcement responds, mayor, senators & gov calls it incitement to violence against “peaceful protesters.”

Tom Fitton tweeted,
Left doesn't care -- they will use #coronavirus excuse to hurt children, destroy jobs, undermine elections, attack religion, destroy businesses, and limit our freedom -- all to advance socialism and to get
. #ConstitutionOverCoronavirus

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