Thursday, July 23, 2020

"Democrats are assuming that with full control of the media, they can convince people that all this is Trump’s fault."

William L. Gensert writes in part in the American Thinker,
For the first time in the history of plague and pandemic, we decided to quarantine the healthy -- something that would have been unimaginable a short time ago.

The rioting, combined with the damage to lives, careers and wealth done by the lockdowns, all the arson, looting and destruction of property, and the ruination of the economy is meant to give the King of Aphasia, Joe Biden the opportunity to run against Trump’s lousy economy and riots. And now, closed schools as well.

...Democrats are assuming that with full control of the media, they can convince people that all this is Trump’s fault. And if they can keep the election close enough, they can steal it with illegal voting, illegals voting, and illegally stealing votes -- that’s why they are now questioning, with frightening synchronicity, whether Trump will leave office when he loses, while simultaneously warning that it will take weeks to count the votes (they’re loading their car trunks with “lost ballots” as we speak).

The Democrats have created an agglutination of economy-killing lockdowns; closed schools; property-destroying, sanguinary riots; electoral fraud; and media calumny and lies. All to be used against a president who was virtually guaranteed reelection mere months ago.

...It is one thing to ruin the lives of adults over something political but another entirely to do it to children. The saddest part of it all is they just might succeed.
Read more here.

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