Wednesday, June 03, 2020

The Iran deal: "America is not obligated because America never consented."

A commenter who calls himself "The Gipper Lives" had this to say to James Mattis in the Conservative Treehouse today.
The Gipper Lives says:
June 3, 2020 at 11:21 pm
James Mattis: Wrong From The Beginning

And Wrong Today–Just When We Needed Him Most

“that the people of America would have greater security against an improper use of the power of making treaties…”

From the very beginning: Jan. 2017, Gen. Mattis on the Iran Deal:

“I think it is an imperfect arms control agreement — it’s not a friendship treaty. But when America gives her word, we have to live up to it and work with our allies.”

I agree completely. But America never “gave her word”. A supposedly studious and learned general would know that.

Barack Hussein Obama illegitimately gave his word, not America. In fact, America was specifically prevented from giving her word.

That’s because America “gives her word” on treaties through the Senate’s Advise and Consent power. The Constitution require senators, two from each state, to agree by a two-thirds vote for the specific purpose that our word as a nation is broad-based, authentically given as a nation. Not on the whim of single tin-pot basketball bracketeer.

Obama subverted that authentic national consent by calling this Treaty an “Executive Agreement”. It is, in fact, a One-Man Diktat, a Dear Leader-style subversion of the Constitution never before seen in this Republic.

Furthermore, Obama conspired with Iran, Russia and other foreign entities to lie to the American people about the terms of this Pre-Emptive and Unconditional Surrender–and the lying is still underway to this very day.

And if I’m not mistaken, it was an “Executive Agreement” not even signed by Iran’s executive, essentially making it a deal Obama cut with Obama. Perfect. And then handed to his Ayatollah as a gift.

There was not even simple majority support in the Senate for this madness, let alone the super-majority support envisioned by the Framers. This is why we take an oath to defend the Constitution, General.

America is not obligated because America never consented. In fact, America was prevented from giving her word…until she finally got to speak on Election Day. That election result is America’s word on the subject, and that is what should be honored.

Now General Mattis has regurgitated every single lie told by the Professional Liars regarding the President’s walk to St. John’s Church. I won’t bother to refute them all here. But that act will long be remembered as a True Patriot showing American resolve, retaking the streets from rioting scum, enemies of our civilization.

The general is just the latest in a long line of DC phonies the President Trump has exposed just by being President Trump. He’s Truth Serum. It is his super-power.

Mattis can stand with the Communist ANTIFA, the terrorists, the Agit-Prop Media, the cop-killers and the church-burners if he wants, just like he sided with Obama and his Ayatollah on the Iran Deal.

But long after this over-rated stuffed shirt is forgotten, Americans will remember dearly their President Who Stood Up For Civilization–and the Constitution–When No One Else Would.

That includes you, soldier-boy.

The question is not why President Trump was there, General.

The question is this:

Why Weren’t You?

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