Saturday, June 20, 2020

Some Early Tweets 6-20-20

Marisa Rickerson tweeted,
Defund the UN!
Defend the USA!
ZERO USA taxpayer money should be going to the UN Marxist communist organization. They've lifted the veil to show who they really are. Enough is enough!

Laura Ingraham tweeted,
I have only one question for Dr. Fauci, Gottlieb or anyone else hitting Trump rallies: "Do you believe that state and local officials should prevent the type of protests that we've seen in recent weeks?"
Either go after the protestors or leave the rest of America alone.

Tom Fitton tweeted,
BREAKING: Federal Court Opinion: Bolton "stands to lose his profits from the book deal, exposes himself to criminal liability, and imperils national security."

Sharika Soal tweeted,
I'm a survivor of black on black crime. I was born in chicago in 1984 to a 14yr old.

I cannot believe I am forced to live in a world where I'm bullied for saying what black on black crime did to my life was horrible and doing what I can to expose it

I'm not the issue

Andy Ngo tweeted,
Exclusive: My sourcing tells me that Seattle Police have been hampered from carrying out a homicide investigation because they were not allowed to enter CHAZ. When police went to Harborview Medical Center, where a victim was transported, they were met by CHAZ's armed people.

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