Friday, June 12, 2020

Should President Trump designate Black Lives Matter as a terrorist organization?

JJ Sefton writes in part in the Ace of Spades blog,
President Trump's designation of Antifa as a terrorist organization was absolutely the right thing to do. I am calling on him to designate Black Lives Matter a terrorist organization as well.

This is both a no-brainer and the most dangerous political move he can make. The greatest downside is the conflation of the words in lower case and their sentiment that "black lives matter," which of course they do, with the organization Black Lives Matter. The latter were quite clever in naming themselves that way, just as Antifa claims to be "anti-fascist" assuming (and sadly, correctly) that most uninformed people will not see that what they are doing and saying is about as far from fighting real fascism as you can get. No coincidence either since a cursory examination will reveal common puppet-masters.

But there are major upsides as well. First, as Trump so masterfully has done in the past, his staking out of a media-defined "controversial" position will force the Left to reflexively defend an organization that he, Trump, will expose as the dangerous, criminal race hustling fraudsters that they are. A big Achilles heel of BLM, and indeed all Leftists, is the way they attempt to twist language to their benefit. This is best exemplified by attacking people who say "all lives matter" as racist. The media aside, it is an untenable and indefensible position. And with Trump stating it, it can't be ignored. It's out in the public discourse, unfiltered for people to consider without a media filter to distort it (though they will try, of course).

In tactical terms, assuming the FBI and DoJ will actually do their jobs and not sabotage Trump, BLM, its leaders and financiers will be investigated, scrutinized and perhaps prosecuted for fomenting unrest and insurrection. They have made both implicit and overt threats of violence to both life and property for years.

Also, it effectively cuts off their funding. Anyone now donating to that organization is subject to prosecution. Plus, their assets are open to seizure, and amazingly as one link shows, it's getting close to at least half a billion dollars thanks to corporate America, Hollywood and even the American taxpayer.

Playing devil's advocate, perhaps he should wait until after the election. But we are on a knife edge as it is. I don't think he and we have the luxury anymore of playing it safe. What's going on in Seattle is an open sore and an embarrassment. It's also a harbinger of our downfall. Emperor Raz Ma-Tazz from CHAZ may not come to rural America and occupy it. But Amazon, T-Mobile, Disney, Bank of America, Google, Delta Airlines, your employer, your pastor and even your college-age kids all know where you live and are ready to "put y'all back in chains."

Something's got to give and the President is going to have to make a move. Better it be a bold one.
Read more hereand click on his links.

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