Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Early tweets today

Michael Knowles tweeted,
Are our fiscal and cultural problems (eg, debt and statue-toppling) symptoms of the same modern pathological selfishness?

A society that squanders its inheritance leaves nothing to posterity but debt; a society uninterested in posterity has no reason to preserve its inheritance.

Kelsey Bolar (Harkness) tweeted,
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”

-George Orwell

Laura Ingraham tweeted,
The left is really panicked about the economy coming back. Ruins their narrative. Expect more calls to shutdown states again citing supposed COVID concerns. No tax dollars to states that refuse to open.

Lisa Boothe tweeted,
I think there is a reason Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan are thriving right now in the current media landscape. People are hungry for fearlessness and independent thinking when so many engage in groupthink.

Scott Adams tweeted,
The paid political trolls who swarmed me in 2016, and after, have largely disappeared from my notice because they all use the same semi-scripted playbook, so I filtered and muted them on Twitter by predictable keywords. Their lack of originality bit them in the ass.

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