Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Sean Davis: "The unholy union between monopolistic tech oligarchs and corrupt media."

Tucker Carlson: "All of these people you vote for in the hope that they will protect you...all of them are AWOL."

Tucker Carlson: A lot of Americans are staying quiet right now, and, of course, that's the point of censorship: to keep people isolated and alone.

Tucker: If you are in the news business and Google tells you to do something, you do it. In all of human history, no single entity has had more control of information than Google does right now.

Tucker: Google finds it intolerable that Zero Hedge and The Federalist have unmonitored comment sections where readers can say what they want!

Glenn Greenwald:
That NBC has, and uses, the power to have sites it ideologically dislikes ideologically kicked off Google Ads is dystopian.

It's particularly chilling since NBC/MSBNC was one of the worst purveyors of deranged conspiracy theories over the last 4 years. https://

Read and watch more here.

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