Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Does civil rights law erode civil rights?

This video requires us to think about complex issues. The civil rights law of 1964 tells people (business owners) that they cannot make choices that other people can make. Maybe that law had unintended consequences that need to be fixed. The media is an oppressive arm of activists, not journalists, who want to take away people's civil rights and make people believe what the activists want them to think.

Because of the civil rights law, has the Constitution ceased to be operational? Although it is not supposed to, the Supreme Court makes law, as it did in yesterday's decision, and Congress also allows bureaucratic agencies to make inarguable regulations. "The civil rights law has created a Constitutional avenue that is unconstitutional!" (I am not sure I fully understand that!)

Andrew believes the press is the arm of an oppressive movement to take away your civil rights. They have co-opted the rights of people to have their own opinions. For example, is a black person allowed to say that she does not agree with something #BlackLivesMatter says she should believe?

Andrew says Ben Carson tried to explain to President Trump that the NFL kneelers weren't really protesting against the flag; they were protesting against police brutality. Andrew says it is disrespecting the flag. Carson says he is going to bring Trump around to this point of view. Andrew says if Trump comes around, Trump is finished! We brought Trump in there to fight the cultural fight, to speak up for us! The kneelers are saying I disrespect your flag, but I want your rights! Andrew thinks Trump would be a fool to follow Carsen's advice and so are we!

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