Monday, May 11, 2020

"On the plus side, we saw the largest graduating class of medical doctors ever, with about fifty million new M.D.s being minted on Twitter between February 21 and April 30."

Ace links to a BBC post and comments:
The same people who say that two million are going to die, no now it's 100,000, wait now it's 70,000...

The same people who told us masks were useless, and also it was critical to save masks for medical personnel because they save lives, and also now that masks are critical for everyone and now mandated by law...

The same people who say we have to lock down just until we "flatten the curve" and then, when the curve has been flattened, announce we must stay in lock down until we have a vaccine...

are accusing other people of not being clear and offering "mixed messages." analyst notes that Britain's attempt to craft a rational policy was "blown off course" by gales of chatter from social media and regular media, who were all demanding lockdowns now.

On the plus side, we saw the largest graduating class of medical doctors ever, with about fifty million new M.D.s being minted on Twitter between February 21 and April 30.
Read more here.

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