Friday, May 15, 2020

"Mitch McConnell and his own cronies are silent partners with Chuck Schumer in the plot to get Trump."

Ace of Spades gives us his view of Mitch McConnell, which is not favorable, to say the least.
It should be noted that many corporate-funded GOP Establishment politicians are well paid by the China Lobby, too.

Are they paid well enough to remain perfectly silent when China threatens two of their fellow Senators?

Apparently so!

Speaking of people married to the China Lobby, turns out that Mitch McConnell isn't interested in fighting the coup efforts.

Could that be because he's a GOPer who wants to protect the China Lobby from the Bad Orange China-Opposing Man? You be the judge.

...Things don't "just happen." People capable of shaping events either make them happen or let them happen.

There is a reason the Republican-controlled Senate almost entirely stood aside and let the Democrats rape Trump for three and a half years.

That reason is: They're on the Democrats' side in most matters involving wealthy interests.

And Mitch McConnell is the leader of the Trick the Rubes wing.

When Mitch McConnell wants something to happen -- like judges getting appointed -- he makes it happen.

When Mitch McConnell doesn't want something to happen -- like investigating Obama's Deep State minions or Obama himself, or fighting the Democrats on their three long Russia probe -- Mitch McConnell gives a speech or two to Trick the Rubes and then gives the signal to take Trump out behind the scenes.

These people are very good at offering The Rubes some soundbites and then acting ruthlessly against the Rubes when it comes to voting, or legislation, or investigation.

Yeah he doesn't really care. He'll die rich. That's all that matters.

The judges are the one sop to The Rubes he's willing to make to keep feathering his nest.

That's because he is, was, and always will be on the other side.

Mollie Hemingway notes that Richard Burr was plainly a Deep State plant in the Senate Intelligence Committee, but McConnell didn't do anything about it.

That's for a simple reason: Mitch McConnell wanted a Deep State Plant on the Intelligence Committee.

He has silently approved of almost everything the Democrats have done.

We know now that Paul Ryan was blocking Republicans' ability to issue subpeonas behind the scenes before the 2018 election.

So... who would be the Republican making sure nothing much happens in the Senate since 2016?

Which high-ranking Republican Senator would that be?

Everyone remembers what Mitch McConnell has consistently done when insurgent candidates challenged his handpicked corporate-funded GOPe drones, right?

I hope we haven't all forgotten that.

And I hope no one is under the delusion that Mitch McConnell is more favorably inclined towards the insurgent, anti-Establishment, anti-China-Lobby, anti-endless-corporate-favorbanking Trump?

...Mitch McConnell and his own cronies are silent partners with Chuck Schumer in the plot to get Trump.

So no, Mitch McConnell will not be exposing what his partners did during this hoax investigation.
Read more here.

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