Monday, April 20, 2020

"...we take that down."

Bryan Brammer reports in Disrn,
During a conversation with "Good Morning America" anchor George Stephanopoulos Monday morning, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that any protests against state stay-at-home orders organized on his social media platform will be considered "harmful misinformation" and their pages will be taken down immediately.

As part of a fifteen-minute discussion with Zuckerberg concerning how Facebook is gathering user data to "inform the public" about the spread of COVID-19, Stephanopoulos asked how Facebook is handling the in-person protests against state lockdown orders that some see as excessive.

"How do you deal with the fact that Facebook is now being used to organize a lot of these protests to defy social distancing guidelines in states. If somebody trying to organize something like that, does that qualify as harmful misinformation?" he asked Zuckerberg.

Zuckerberg responded, "We do classify that as harmful misinformation and we take that down."
Read more here.

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