NBC News Analyst Claims U.S. Lock-Down Protests Created by Russians…
Oddly enough I thought about this yesterday when Washington State Governor Jay Inslee was complaining about citizen protests being a form of “domestic rebellion.” The modern liberal mindset cannot fathom how removing liberty and freedom, from a nation founded upon freedom and liberty, would start to ignite protests. They need to blame something.
In the Democrat collective worldview big government control of their lives is a utopia to be achieved. Therefore those same Chè T-shirt wearing ideologues cannot understand push-back based on individualism. A justification for visible frustration is needed. What could possibly be causing this anger?… Why yes, the Russians of course. Gottabe.
(Link to tweet – Link to story)
Barb McQuade is an NBC legal analyst and law professor at the University of Michigan. We can only imagine the pretzel logic taught by her during her indoctrination efforts.
All of the various restrictions coming from state governors in response to the COVID-19 do not come from State House and/or State Senate debate and decisions. These are not laws.
The rules restricting liberty, in response to the COVID crisis, have been pronounced without any representative voice supporting them.
All of the rules are arbitrary, and many of these rules will be challenged in court.
However, until those court challenges take place, the only option for a redress of grievance comes in the form of public protest. Currently, there is no way for an citizen to appeal to a representative voice against the decrees from a state governor; other than a public protest.
Boise, Idaho — More than 1,000 protesters gathered at the Idaho Statehouse Friday afternoon in defiance of Gov. Brad Little’s extension of the statewide stay-at-home order.
[…] “I can’t get a haircut, but by golly I was able to walk into Pet Smart this morning and get my dog a grooming appointment. It defies logic,” said Wayne Hoffman, president of the Idaho Freedom Foundation. “The damage that’s being done to the individuals, to businesses and the economy is horrific.”
Hoffman said the governor should allow all businesses to open to give owners a chance to demonstrate that they can take appropriate steps to mitigate the risk.
“I worry that if we don’t adapt our approach that we will continue to battle COVID-19 in incremental ways for weeks, months and years to come,” Hoffman said. “It’s like a lot of other variables that you have to deal with in the world – people with all kinds of ailments come to your doors.”
Most at the protest were standing shoulder-to-shoulder and not wearing masks. Some carried signs claiming the coronavirus is a hoax, while others held signs with slogans like, “All workers are essential” and “Freedom not fear.”
The effect of the coronavirus on the economy has been dire. In Idaho, nearly 96,000 people have filed for unemployment since Little first declared a state of emergency on March 13. That’s far more than the number of claims filed in Idaho during all of 2019.
Similar protests have been held across the country, with groups pushing back against stay-at-home orders in places like Michigan, Texas and Virginia. Dozens circled Oregon’s state Capitol in their vehicles Friday to protest that state’s stay-at-home order. (read more)
Rebellion against unilateral and authoritarian power is America. Rebellion or push-back against non-representative government is the thread connecting the patchwork of our constitutional republic. Protest is so critical to our nation that it is protected within the very first amendment to our constitution.
It just cannot be real that freedom and liberty is the heart of America as NBC legal analyst Barb McQuade thinks about it…
Pesky Russians. Gottabe!
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Sunday, April 19, 2020
"Rebellion against unilateral and authoritarian power is America."
In the Conservative Treehouse, Sundance reports,
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