Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Political blow back

I wonder if President Trump realizes his base is getting more and more frustrated with governments damaging the economy. Here are just a few comments from the Conservative Treehouse. Spazznout writes,
That is what terrifies me the most.


The scariest words in the English language are “we are the government and we are here to help” …….Maggie T.

We are now living that nightmare in all its glory as the government proclaims to “save” us from Corona and then “save” us from the economic destruction they created in “saving” us.

...This is not a time to just be a cheerleader. This is a serious time. We mu
st be real about the world we live in and what is happening in it.

I voted for Trump,

But right NOW by all evidence he has lost control

And real damage is being done, lives destroyed and future deaths created by the actions our government is taking today.
The cost of the mitigation has now far outweighed the benefit of the updated CDC models.

Trump is human, not a god.

Blindly cheering is not good under any circumstance.

Farm on the Hill wrote,
When large numbers of the smaller businesses and individual 1099 workers get nothing, there will be absolutely massive political blow back against Trump, Congress, banks, the SBA, and the government.

...Many of us small business owners did have savings but we are rapidly burning through our savings during government mandated shutdowns lasting 1.5-3 months where our revenues implode but all of our expenses (including payroll, utilities, rent, taxes, debt service, etc) remain due.
Read more here.

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