Sunday, April 26, 2020

"Buried under a mountain of hypocrisy"

Roger L. Simon writes in the Epoch Times about the Kavanaugh allegations, which
was for an incident that allegedly took place around 1983, some 10 years earlier than Reade’s, with no evidence whatsoever that it ever happened, no corroboration of date, time, or venue from anybody. There was never even any proof that accuser Christine Blasey Ford actually knew Kavanaugh. (It’s also worth noting that several of those same over-zealous, to put it mildly, senators now wish to be vice president. For shame.)

Reade, as mentioned, actually worked for Biden—no one denies that—until a few days after the alleged incident, which is when Reade’s mother called King. This is evidence, clearly, but not entirely dispositive, although her brother and a friend who wishes to remain anonymous have also corroborated that Reade told them of the assault at the time. That’s three more than Blasey Ford ever had, with more likely to come. (Evidentiary material is rumored to exist in a closed Biden archive at the University of Delaware.)

The incident, despite the media coverup, can no longer be ignored. Now even the #MeToo crowd is going to have log in, if they have any intention of salvaging their movement, which will otherwise be buried under a mountain of hypocrisy.

...This is a prospective nightmare for the Democrats. Trump may have been a playboy, a particularly active one, but Biden’s action, if believed, moves him into the area of perversion and outright misogyny.

He must disprove it, but how? He’s unlikely to win if he doesn’t, and even if he does, carrying such an accusation into the presidency potentially undermines everything he does and our country with it.

A lie detector test, unreliable as that may be, is a possible solution. Both Joe and Tara should take one.

Of course, this presents a serious danger for Biden:

As a reminder for those who have forgotten the seminal Roman legal doctrine of “Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus” (if you lie in one thing, you’ll lie in everything), Joe doesn’t have a particular reputation for honesty. He was caught plagiarizing three times—the first time in law school, of all places, and then twice from British Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock.

America, we are in uncharted waters. First the CCP virus, now this.
Read more here.

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