Sunday, March 22, 2020

What will happen when parents become teachers. Algebra? Really?

In her post in the American Thinker, Clarice Feldman writes in part,
Of course, actions by some, notably Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the media, can only be explained, to paraphrase wretchardthecat, by raw fury, because “they were wrong about a whole host of things. Events made monkeys of them.” Events still will. Mayors who let thousands of homeless people tent out on their streets where they relieved themselves daily amid piles of rat-ridden heaps of trash and drug paraphernalia, will learn some lessons about public health. Nancy Pelosi, who for three and a half years accused the president of treason and exceeding his constitutional powers, now begs him to assume dictatorial powers. The mainstream media is almost entirely discounted as a source of reliable news and is reduced to posing ignorantly framed gotcha questions at the conclusions of transparent first-class White House briefings. The notion that cities like Baltimore, New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, whose leaders have undermined the rule of law and law enforcement, will suddenly be able to get the will and manpower to enforce lockdown of the residents defies all probability.

In the end, I expect and hope that the leadership of the adults in this administration will succeed in making this economic and social dislocation very short-lived, and that the not-well-disguised hopes of his opponents for a depression and a huge death toll will end up being no more than self-discrediting monkey business.

Clarice also includes a hilarious video from an Israeli mom of four children. She is supposedly homeschooling them since schools are closed, but is questioning her own competency.
Watch the video and read more here.

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