Saturday, March 21, 2020

"They lied out of their paranoid obsession with power."

In PJ Media, Bryan Preston writes in part,
...We have hundreds of thousands of churches and businesses and schools across America that are closed now. Many of them will not re-open. They didn’t fail because of some flaw within them or because their model didn’t work. They failed, or will fail, because of a tyrannical system beyond our shores that lied to the whole world. America’s churches and businesses and schools are closed because on the other side of the world, China’s amoral dictators failed to be a normal nation and do the right thing. They lied out of their paranoid obsession with power. In America, we can make fun of Trump, call him names and mock whoever we want and find others who will laugh with us. In China, merely displaying a cartoon of Winnie the Pooh - because of his resemblance to dictator Xi - risks imprisonment. Should we do business with such a thin-skinned despot?

China’s coronavirus actions have been entirely indefensible. Not that you would ever know that if you listen to some in the media and among our smug elites. There was, first, the lie that the novel virus would not infect humans. Then the communists order the early samples destroyed and silenced the doctors, at the point of a gun that Mao himself may as well have been pointing at them. They prosecuted the doctor who sounded the alarm, making a noble hero die a criminal. China abused its manufacturing power to build and then hoard the N95 masks doctors and nurses the world over need as they battle the virus. Some medical heroes will become infected and die, because of China. China’s communists did all this, while the whole world watched and suffered, and while Italy’s coronavirus death toll surpassed the grim toll of 9-11. China now says its coronavirus infection rates are dropping, but can we believe them? When China is pushing a crank conspiracy that the US created the coronavirus? China’s communists are trolling the world to dodge responsibility and keep their power. This cannot stand.

We tried making China rich to make the Chinese people free. The globalists’ theory was that trade would make prosperous people who would then demand their freedom, and the Chinese Communist Party would either grant it or die. It hasn’t worked. China has become more prosperous but less free. Its people live under a digital dictatorship fed by social media algorithms and always-on video surveillance. Their future is cradle to grave monitoring for thoughtcrime. The paranoid communists are as brutal and ruthless as ever, shuttering churches with hammer and sickle and using Uighurs and dissenters as slave labor. China uses its wealth to buy hearts and minds in Africa and positive propaganda press everywhere. China uses its wealth to fracture our own bedrock rights, as when it turned the NBA into its red white and blue thought police right here on American soil. This cannot stand.
Read more here.

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