Tuesday, March 31, 2020

"If you don't do journalism, someone will do it to you!"

Commenters in Instapundit are weighing in on the subject of media bias.
gridlock2 writes, They learned that they could swing an election during Katrina.

They learned that they could no longer swing an election with Trump.

Now they are desperate to get that power back. What they fail to realize is they spent their goodwill, built up over centuries, with Katrina. They burned through all of the trust they had earned by covering stories honestly, by visiting war zones, by confronting tyrants, by sacrificing their own lives, in order to swing one election.

Well, all of that goodwill is gone now. It will take decades to win it back. But in order to start that process, they have to start doing their jobs again.

Jon writes in part,
The turning point was Reagan's election in 1980, coming just six years after Watergate. In the wake of taking down Nixon, the D.C. media thought they were masters of the universe, but the sudden turnaround just six years later, even after they told America Reagan was an evil idiot who was going to start World War III if elected, caused the media outlets to become more and more overtly partisan.

Doug f43 writes,
Katrina didn't damage them at all. Not at all. And Bush did look like a feckless clown during that debacle. I remember the arguments I had with people who told me that the Feds couldn't really do anything unless asked by the incompetents in the City/State administrations.

Do you think Trump would have allowed himself to be pilloried like Bush did, Do you think that Trump would have allowed those days of reports from the Dome showing the conditions there and NO help being delivered.

Do you really think that? Because I don't. The whole thing WOULD have played out differently if Bush wasn't a Bush. Totally useless family for any real role in the GOVERNING positions. Trump would never have tolerated what happened there. It wasn't the levee controversy. It was the stadium thingy that harmed Bush. And rightfully so. He was his usual self. You saw the same incompetence in his Iraq plans. FIVE days of reports from the Dome and that would have been about 3 days too many for Trump.

Prove me wrong.
Read more here.

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