Monday, March 30, 2020

"Do you think this hasn’t been noted by the Democratic powers that be?"

Roger L. Simon writes in part in Epoch Times,
...the likelihood of Donald Trump’s reelection has been rising with public approval of his handling of the CCP virus crisis hovering around 60 percent, a hitherto unheard of number for the controversial president.

Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, on the other hand, has done particularly poorly, fumbling his “digital front porch campaign” in a drastic manner as detailed in a Wall Street Journal editorial. “Not ready for prime time” is only one cliché that seems to fit the rapidly aging former vice president. (If we have learned one thing from the virus, it is that nature can be cruel.)

...Do you think this hasn’t been noted by the Democratic powers that be?

One explanation of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s seemingly self-destructive overreach during negotiations over the multi-trillion-dollar rescue plan—tacking virtually every dream from the liberal-progressive playbook illogically onto the legislation—was that it was a kind of “Hail Mary Pass” as the last gasp for their wish list before the fall, i.e., Trump II.

As this happened, Cuomo was acting like the adult in the room, receiving boffo reviews from the left and the right (Broadway was closed, after all) for his daily press conferences and intelligent management of the crisis for his state.

Unlike almost all Democrats and media, he doesn’t seem overly infected by Trump Derangement Syndrome and was able to work productively with the president, while opposing him at other times—a difficult balancing act for a Democrat.

...In any case, though I doubt Cuomo could defeat Trump, my guess is he would ultimately fare better than the increasingly hapless Biden, who might be headed for electoral disaster.
Read more here.

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