Wednesday, February 19, 2020

"the near-impossibility of seating an impartial panel in Washington."

Ace has this headline this morning:
Julie Kelly: It's Time for a Law to Make Prosecutors Try Politically-Sensitive Cases Outside of Washington DC and Its Left-Liberal Environs
One major factor in the decision to not charge the plainly guilty Andrew McCabe was the fact that the jury pool was to be taken from a voting pool of 90% Hillary Clinton voters, and 4% Trump voters.

We can no longer permit such two-tiered justice-based simply on zip codes.

The article by Julie Kelly is in American Greatness:
Political Trials Should Be Tried Outside of the Beltway

The justice system situated in our nation’s capital is toxic, destructive, and demonstrably unfair. Barr should move any trial out of Washington—West Virginia or North Carolina, perhaps?—and at least give the accused a fighting chance.

...“When the District of Columbia is the venue for any prosecution with political overtones, Justice Department charging decisions must factor in the jury pool, which is solidly anti-Trump,” observed former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy.

...Accurate. Hillary Clinton won 90 percent of the D.C. vote in 2016 compared to Donald Trump’s four percent. In the metropolitan area as a whole, which includes adjacent counties in Virginia and Maryland, Clinton won 68 percent. The federal government is the area’s largest employer; nearly everyone else is somehow tied to government work as a lawyer, lobbyist, consultant, or journalist. By a 20-to-1 margin, Justice Department employees contributed heavily to Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Any trial automatically is rigged either in favor or against a political defendant based on the team for which the accused plays—and if it’s Team Trump, the outcome is predetermined even before the opening statements. After all, how could a swamp-dweller objectively judge a case tied to a president promising to drain the swamp?

...Andrew McCabe and Mike Flynn were not treated equally before the law. Same for Hillary Clinton. Ditto for James Comey. (The Justice Department declined to prosecute Comey for stealing and sharing his own classified memos from the FBI.)

...Justice still awaits government officials who illegally leaked classified information to the media to defame Michael Flynn and Carter Page three years ago. The signers of unlawful FISA applications, including Comey and McCabe, have thus far escaped the “fair administration” of the law while their victim, Page, must live with the consequences of their malfeasance.

No, the only people who have paid a price are associates of Donald Trump. The justice system situated in our nation’s capital is toxic, destructive, and demonstrably unfair.
Read more here.

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