Friday, February 14, 2020

"He's got the Hunger...You can never get rid of the hunger!"

Recently, Ace of Spades speculated that Mitt Romney may be positioning himself to be nominated as the democratic vice president. He writes more today.
I don't think that any Democrat would actually offer the slot to Romeny. The one candidate who might do it -- Michael Bloomberg -- cannot do it, because he is already viewed with deep suspicion as Racist Sexist Billionaire.

See, liberals have this delusion that Mitt Romney is a conservative Republican. So they wouldn't find a Romney veepship added "balance" to the ticket, but just strengthened Michael Bloomberg's own "Republican conservatism."

Obviously Bernie Sanders would never offer. Someone like the Fiercely Heterosexual Cory Booker might, but he dropped out last month.

The leftwingers would not offer the job to Romney, and the people posing as "centrists" can't offer them the job, as the left already thinks they're Too Conservative.


Do I think Romney himself has scams and schemes along these lines?

I do in fact.

He's got The Hunger.

Once you get a taste for the idea that you are special and Great enough to be President -- and that you might even be the literally Prophesied One sent by God Himself to save the Constitution -- you can never get rid of The Hunger.

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