Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Full speed ahead

The judge in the Stone case says she will move forward with sentencing, rather than grant the motion for a new trial. Ace of Spades writes,

The foreman of the jury lied about her political interest in the case.

The foreman.

And this judge doesn't think that issue deserves some exploration?

...You permitted a dishonest politically-motivated partisan to serve as foreman on the jury.

President Trump tweeted,
“Judge Jackson now has a request for a new trial based on the unambiguous & self outed bias of the foreperson of the jury, whose also a lawyer, by the way. ‘Madam foreperson, you’re a lawyer, you have a duty, an affirmative obligation, to reveal to us when we selected you the....

.....existence of these tweets in which you were so harshly negative about the President & the people who support him. Don’t you think we wanted to know that before we put you on this jury.’ Pretty obvious he should (get a new trial). I think almost any judge in the Country.....

.....would order a new trial, I’m not so sure about Judge Jackson, I don’t know.” @Judgenap (Andrew Napolitano)

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