Friday, February 07, 2020

From Rush's podcast today

From the first hour of today's Rush Limbaugh Show. "The Democratic Party has lost their entire moral foundation! This is what happens when you become consumed with hatred. It destroys you. Hatred can never make you happy.

I am inundated with so much love and support...more than I ever knew!"

Trump calls at 9 a.m. Tuesday on the day Rush is due to meet with doctors to set up the treatment schedule. Rush and his wife have traveled to another city to a motel when the call comes in. "Rush, what's your doctor's name? I want to call him to reschedule you. I need you down here today." So, Rush and Kathyrn discuss what to do. All they had was casual clothes. Kathyrn insisted, "You can't not do this (invitation by the president)!" Trump did not tell him he would be given the medal of freedom Tuesday night...Rush thought it was going to happen in a couple of weeks.

To Donald Trump, Rush said, "There simply is nothing you can't do! There is not a single obstacle that can't be dealt with! It was what he wanted, not for him, but for me. He wasn't going to let me talk myself out of it." They kept their noon appointment with a doctor. A couple hours later they returned to their hotel room where Kathryn had arranged to have several retailers bring some clothes for them both to try on.

"The Democrats and the deep state have no idea what they are up against in Donald Trump. They and Mitt Romney pander. Donald Trump does what he thinks is right. In his world, there is no "can't.
President Trump explained the Presidential Medal of Freedom to me and Kathryn in the White House. I just wasn't sure I deserved it. I am a radio talk show host!

A wave of warmth swept over me sitting there in the House of Representatives."

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