Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Democrats "testing out two different messages, each of which completely contradicts the other:"

Ace of Spades reports that Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat colleagues have decided on a new approach: focus on the economy!
...Obama's responsible for this economic boom, and also, there is no boom. The boom is another Racist Trump Lie. ...Actually, they're testing out two different messages, each of which completely contradicts the other:

1, The economy is, despite your lyin' eyes, terrible.

2, The economy is great and it's all because of Obama.

Even Democrats should be able to grasp that those two claims cannot be claimed at the same time.

But they're trying anyway.

...Other Democrats are claiming that there are other indicators of an economy's health, beyond the normal criteria such as the unemployment rate, wage increases, and a strong stock market.

What could these economic criteria that don't have to do with wages, jobs, and investments be? He doesn't say.
Read more here.

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