Thursday, February 20, 2020

Bloomberg's negatives

In Breitbart, John Nolte writes in part,
On paper, the 78-year-old Bloomberg has been all over the place… a businessman, a Republican, Independent, and finally a Democrat. But you don’t have to squint to see the one constant in Bloomberg’s life and career: he’s a busybody tyrant, a rabid authoritarian whose decades-long history portends a presidency filled by an egomaniac who will make no sacrifices for himself as he signs a flurry of executive orders and treaties that force the rest of us to sacrifice our guns, our air conditioners, our privacy, our meat, salt, and sugar; and if we’re of a certain age, our access to life-saving health care.

Bloomberg was a perfect New York City mayor: a city full of left-wing sheep who love living under a tyrant, and who love having a nanny tell them what to do. There’s just something about leftists that makes them sleep better when the messiness of freedom is replaced with the orderliness of tyranny. The left is pathetic that way, but the rest of us will bleed out by the thousand paper cuts that slash away at our right to live our lives in the way we choose.

Here are some bone-chilling examples of Bloomberg’s authoritarian streak:

No Smoking in Your Own Establishment
Like the proverbial boiling frog, people are actually okay with this now… They think it’s great no one can smoke in public buildings, in a workplace, bar, or restaurant.

As a non-smoker, I agree…

What I don’t like, though, is the government telling a property owner what he can do with his property. If the owner of a bar or restaurant wants to allow smoking, who is the government to outlaw it?

It’s an outrageous and obscene violation of property rights.

What’s more, Bloomberg banned smoking outdoors! In New York, you can no longer smoke in public places such as a beach or park.

Banned Trans Fats
Restaurants and food vendors are no longer able to add trans fats to their foods.

Who the hell is Bloomberg to tell free Americans what they can sell and buy?

Bloomberg deserves credit for requiring menus to reveal ingredients and calories. I am always in favor of giving the public information to go with their choices.

Ban Big Sodas

Bloomberg wanted to tell you what size soda you could buy. Thankfully, a judge struck this nonsense down.

But the mindset of such a man is revealing.

And what the hell is the difference between drinking two 16 ounce cokes and a 32 ounce coke? It’s just stupid, bossy, punitive and un-American.

Ban Baby Formula

As New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg demanded that mothers breastfeed their babies and insisted hospitals keep baby formula under lock and key.

Bloomberg Doesn’t Believe China Is a Dictatorship

“Xi Jinping is not a dictator. He has to satisfy his constituents, or he’s not going to survive.”

Bloomberg Wants to Let Old People Die

Nothing reveals the heart of an authoritarian more than a utilitarian view of human life.

“If you show up with prostate cancer and you’re 95 years old, we should say, ‘Go and enjoy, have a nice one, live a long life. There’s no cure, and we can’t do anything.’ A young person, we should do something for. Society’s not willing to do that yet.”

Bloomberg said that.

And please note the “yet,” as though allowing a 95-year-old to die of cancer is “progress.”

This is monstrous.

Bloomberg is a monster, for only a monster is willing to condemn a human being to die in order to save a little money.

Bloomberg Believes Black People are Useless

Bloomberg is a classic racist, someone who sincerely believes black people are something less than human, are at best chattel, at worst a physical and financial danger to society.

Bloomberg Seeks to Control Women

Bloomberg Refused to Accept Term Limits

Bloomberg Despises the Kulaks

Bloomberg Is Not a Big Fan of Democracy

Pushes the Global Warming Hoax

Flaming eco-hypocrite Michael Bloomberg is of course a climate paranoid, but the real reason he pushes this hoax is because it is a “crisis” that gives the government license to violate every one of our rights and freedoms — from our light bulbs, to where we live, to our right to life.

Disarm the American People

Nowhere has Bloomberg put more energy and treasure than in his demonic quest to disarm the American people and leave us helpless — which makes total sense if you look at the man in full…

How else is Bloomberg going to thwart democracy, treat black people like animals, treat women like slaves, get away with reading all of our emails, and force us to do what he says is best for us, unless we are helpless to a federal government with the legal right to use violence against us?

Michael Bloomberg should terrify anyone who believes in individual freedom.
Read more here.

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