Sunday, January 19, 2020

What does the Left have planned for Virginia tomorrow?

In the Conservative Treehouse, Sundance gives us a well-written warning about tomorrow's rally in Virginia.

There is a remarkable confluence of data-points surrounding a second amendment rally in Virginia this holiday weekend that bear a strong note of caution. Something akin to an astroturf event appears in the background. ♦ Data-points:

♦ Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is running for President. Bloomberg has funded the majority of Virginia anti-gun legislators who are now proposing considerable restrictions on lawful gun ownership in the commonwealth.

♦ It is also worth noting in the wake of the astroturfed Charlottesville narrative, the professional political messaging of the Democrat apparatus, via Joe Biden, proclaimed in April 2019 that Charlottesville represented “the battle for the soul of this nation.”

If there is one consistent aspect to DNC activists (Occupy Wall Street, Antifa etc.), it’s that they use the same playbook.

♦ Provoking civil unrest to achieve political objectives is a well-known strategy of the Alinsky wing of the apparatus. ie. “never let a crisis go to waste”; and they are very good at creating the appearance of an organic crisis. It’s usually in hindsight when the astroturf originating the crisis is identified.

The reason the Antifa mob was able to attack the peaceful marchers was ONLY because the Charlottesville Police were ordered to stand down by the far-left Democratic Mayor and Governor (link)

As it was noted in the Charlottesville example, the authorities in Virginia purposefully funneled two activist groups together to create the conflict and crisis (‘Unite the Right’ and Antifa). Consider the possibility of the same play-book being deployed this weekend for the second amendment rally at the Virginia capitol.

Situational Awareness – Take a look at how the authorities in Virginia have literally used chain link fences to fence-in the current demonstration venue. One entrance, few exits:
Read more here.

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