Oregon Muse posts the above meme and writes in the Ace of Spades blog this morning,
"WE'RE NOT THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!" screamed CNN as their accountants wrote out a big honkin' check to Nick Sandmann for defaming him.
"I'd like the settlement to include an epic groveling on-air apology by Brian Stelter, wearing oversized diapers, while eating kibbles from a dog dish on all fours, but that's probably too much to hope for.
"So, my question is, what are they going to do to improve? I'd like to think that there will shortly be a meeting of the CNN bigwigs where the CEO gets up in front of everybody and says something like, 'Guys, we really fcuked it up this time. We screwed the pooch, we got caught with our pants down, we pulled a boner, we dropped the ball, roughed the passer, stepped on our own dcik, got called for unsportsmanlike conduct, and made an unforced error. So what are we going to do to prevent these giant payouts in the future? How do we improve our product?
"Because in any other industry, a meeting like this would be taking place. A failure analysis would be started, procedures reviewed, and there would most likely be personnel changes. But you turn on CNN right now, and what do you get? The same lineup of half-sentient tubers whose reporting was so incompetent and maliciously biased that their bosses knew they'd lose the defamation case if it ever came to trial, so they bravely turned their tails and fled.
"And this nonsense will continue until the crappy journalismists start losing their jobs because of their crap journalismisng. But first, they have to see this is a bug, not a feature of the way they do business. In other words, they have to first admit they have a problem, and I don't think they've even got to that point yet.
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