Thursday, January 09, 2020

"A corrupt cop currently on trial for a quadruple homicide while working with the drug cartels is trying to prove that it wasn't he who caused Epstein's neck injuries that day."

The Epstein story took new twists and turns today. Ace of Spades headlines his coverage this way:
Straight-Arrow Prosecutors: Video Footage of Jeffrey Epstein's Cell During His First Attempted " " " Suicide " " " Attempt Has Been " " " Inadvertently " " " Erased

...A corrupt cop currently on trial for a quadruple homicide while working with the drug cartels is trying to prove that it wasn't he who caused Epstein's neck injuries that day.

...When this broke, I joked that Hillary Clinton had paid a corrupt cop to kill Epstein.

Why a cop? Because they can move in and out of jails and they know enough people who can "forget" to note that they entered at such and such a time.

Why corrupt? Well, obviously if you're going to pay a cop to do a murder, you'd like him to be corrupt.

And of course: Democrat politicians know a lot of corrupt cops.

I imagine the Clintons have a long list of dirty cops they can, and occasionally do, hire for sundry purposes.

I just said that as a joke, just riffing on the most obvious scenario.


Well, who knows. This particular guy is trying to get the videotape to prove his innocence, and certainly he himself didn't erase the videotape.

Still, this is all extremely suspicious.

My first thought was "Well we sure don't want any dirty cops, one foot in the government, the other foot in organized crime in Jeffrey Epstein's cell."

But our straight-arrow betters had a different thought entirely. Apparently they thought, "That's exactly the kind of guy we want in the cell with the politically-inconvenient Epstein."

Why is it that the sort of person a casual observer thinks of as the most likely sort of man to be a paid assassin taking care of someone else's political problem is the exact same sort of man the Democrats put in the same cell as Jeffrey Epstein?

The government and civil "service" and law enforcement aren't really this corrupt that they could attempt not one but two arranged "suicide attempts" and then just delete the videotape and expect their fellow civil "servants" to cover for them, are they?

Are they?!

Is this what America really is?
Read more here.

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