Friday, December 13, 2019

What will future trade deals with the UK, EU, and US look like?

The blogger who knows the most about economics has some thoughts about future trade deals in light of last night's conservative victory in Great Britain. Sundance writes in part in the Conservative Treehouse,
Once the U.K exits the European Union, President Trump can provide trade incentives for EU products that come from the U.K. – that do not come from the EU itself. No U.S. tariffs on Great Britain, while Trump, Ross and Lighthizer put heavy tariffs on the EU.

The result of this process would push EU manufacturers and suppliers into the U.K. as a trade hub for access to North America, specifically the United States. EU companies wanting to avoid the U.S. tariffs against the EU could distribute their products through operations within the U.K.

As described this trade network provides PM Boris Johnson with the ability to pick and choose the EU entities that he would permit to operate in the U.K. In essence, this provides Prime Minister Boris Johnson with leverage against the EU for “other issues” of importance.

It’s all about the economics.

Without money to finance a big government ideology, everything stops.

All of the above stated, this is another reason why Nancy Pelosi and the ideological leftists were trying to stall the USMCA. The North American Trade agreement is the trade fulcrum for a massive global economic reset that impacts Asia and Europe.

The corporate multinational profit schemes that exploit China/Asia, and the political ideology behind the socialists/leftists that align with the EU (ie. “share the wealth”), are both weakened by a North American trade alliance, USMCA, that establishes the best return on international investment in North America.

At the center of this realignment is “America First“. A reestablished economic leverage that can reward allies and punish adversaries. Globalism becomes a thing of the past and is replaced by economic nationalism; an international tide to lift all boats – peacefully.

“Economic security is national security”…
Read more here.

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