Saturday, November 23, 2019

Setting up the spying

In the Conservative Treehouse, Sundance reports,
The New York Times is confirming that Kevin Clinesmith is the “low-level lawyer” within the FBI who doctored evidence within the Carter Page FISA application.

As anticipated, the DOJ and FBI ‘small group’ leaks are from their individual review of a heavily compartmented IG report; and now they are being selectively shaped by the favorite ‘small group’ media network: NY Times, Washington Post, CNN, Politico et al.

...they didn’t just get a ‘wiretap’, they got a Title-1 FISA authorized surveillance warrant; the most extensive and intrusive form of surveillance warrant possible. A Title-1 warrant allows any and all surveillance. Wiretaps, bugs, electronic surveillance, physical surveillance, the works. A Title-1 warrant is used against suspected terrorists in the U.S.

He and his commenters write much more here.

Now from Sundance's commenters:
southernsue says, wonder if this guy thinks it was worth it now that he will serve time
he just threw his life away for the puppet masters
he will go down
and the puppet masters are still walking around free
sad for this guy’s family
he threw his life away for nothing
he sold his soul to satan
sad sad sad

David A said, “Mr. Clinesmith took an email from an official at another federal agency that contained several factual assertions, then added material to the bottom that looked like another assertion from the email’s author, when it was instead his own understanding.”

Sounds just like the impeachment fraud. Only instead of an email it was a phone call and all the deep staters inserted their own desired and creative spin, including Schiff and the lies he read into the congressional record. This is clearly willful fraud, not confirmation bias.

hawkins6 said, ...Only a naive fool would believe that personal bias had no effect on these conspirators but it’s hard to prove “beyond a reasonable doubt.” The numerous interviews of Comey, Brennan, McCabe etc over the last few years were filled with intense disrespect, vitriolic hate and repugnance of PT. It’s not reasonable to believe these powerful emotions had no affect on their actions. Brennan’s toxic message to President Trump, ‘May Your Downfall Be Swift’ is the latest indication that sourpuss Brennan didn’t suddenly develop his mind altering toxic biases after he was replaced. His words reveal a personal vendetta against an elected President and a total lack of respect for PT’s voters.

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