Saturday, November 02, 2019

"House Democrats plan for impeachment to be guided by a report that will be partisan gloss on secret hearings."

In Fox News, Andy McCarthy writes,
...impeachment is the most critical public business in which the people’s representatives engage, a consideration of whether the chief executive elected by the nation should be cited for misconduct and removed from power. It is paradigmatic public business. It should not be playing out behind closed doors, with the American people limited to skewed information in the form of selective leaking to Trump-hostile media allies.

...If we’re being assured that impeachment will be a transparent process, then why haven’t the transcripts of all the prior testimony been released? That way, we could read the testimony for ourselves – testimony we should have been able to watch as it was being given, or review right afterwards.

We could make a judgment about whether a remedy as drastic as impeachment is warranted under circumstances where, in just a year, the American people can decide for themselves on Election Day whether President Trump should keep his job.

...Just as the Intelligence Committee has cherry-picked bits of testimony to leak to its anti-Trump media allies, the Schiff report will mine the testimony for the passages that can be whipped into an impeachment narrative, with any exculpatory facts or mitigating context consigned to the cutting room floor.

...Impeachment is as high a form of public business as we have in our constitutional system. In their resolution, though, House Democrats plan for impeachment to be guided by a report that will be partisan gloss on secret hearings.
Read more here.

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