Friday, November 01, 2019

Cheering on the "Deep State"

In PJ Media, Tyler O'Neill reports,
On Wednesday, just before House Speaker Nancy Pelosi led the formal vote to open an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump, a former CIA boss praised the "whistleblower" behind the impeachment push. Adopting President Donald Trump's language, former acting CIA Director John E. McLaughlin declared, "Thank God for the 'deep state.'"

...While the audience laughed, it does not seem McLaughlin was merely telling a joke. He may reject Trump's language about the deep state, but he seemed to express genuine appreciation for members of the intelligence community who really did aim to take down the president.

...With all due respect, the intelligence community's record is not something to brag about at the current time, with John Durham's investigation into the roots of the Trump-Russia investigation and after the release of Andrew McCarthy's important book Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency.

That book reveals how the Obama administration used the power of the state to prosecute its political opponents — including many arms of the intelligence community. The oft-shifting story about the origins of the Russia probe — was it focused on Carter Page or George Papadopoulos? — along with the Clinton campaign-funded Steele dossier and the scandalous tale of Peter Strzok and Lisa Page give the lie to McLaughlin's naive trust in the intelligence community.

...As for the whistleblower — McLaughlin's paragon of virtue and truth-telling — he has connections to the Joe Biden campaign. He went to Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) for advice before filing the whistleblower report! According to a speculative piece at RealClearInvestigations, it seems the whistleblower has a history of working with DNC opposition researchers as well.

Trump may peddle in conspiracy theories, and the term "deep state" is questionable, but this whistleblower is a government operative working to undermine a duly-elected president. If there is such a thing as a deep state, the whistleblower foots the bill — and McLaughlin was cheering him on from the sidelines.
Read more here.

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