Friday, October 25, 2019

The ambush of General Flynn

I have always wondered why two of my favorite blogs never linked to another of my favorites, The Conservative Treehouse. But in the last week Mark Tapscott in Instapundit and Ace in Ace of Spades have linked to Sundance. Today, Ace links to Sundance's explosive post entitled,
Stunning, Potentially Game-Changing, Court Filing by Flynn Defense Lawyer Sidney Powell…

In a lengthy court filing surrounding the issues of Brady discovery material, Mike Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell, drops some serious evidentiary bombshells on the court. Ms. Powell brings Lady Justice to the courtroom, and her revelations are stunning.

...Holy cats, this next part is incredible. The 302’s were modified to make claims that were never made in the interview. The language was purposefully and willfully made to look like something is wasn’t; and in some cases they made it up completely counter to the actual statement given by Mike Flynn:

...Joseph Mifsud phones…. James Baker leaking to Kislyak phone call to david Ignatius and James Clapper saying “take the kill shot on Flynn”. Good grief:

...Folks there’s so much more in this filing you really need to look at it from beginning to end. What is screen grabbed above isn’t even half of the devastating and documented evidence Ms. Powell is bringing before the court.

Quite simply the content of this 37-page filing is incredible.

Attorney Sidney Powell has really done an excellent job putting this motion together with a mountain of incontrovertible supportive material to highlight how her client, Michael Flynn, was set-up.

If you take the time to read the primary 37-page motion, and then review the material that supports every assertion within the motion, you will be hard-pressed not to come to the conclusion that Mike Flynn was a victim of seriously unethical, borderline criminal, prosecutorial conduct.

If Judge Sullivan accepts this motion and goes through all of this material I think there’s a pretty good chance he will dismiss this case. The next round of arguments within his courtroom are going to be very, very interesting.

Phenomenal job by Ms. Sidney Powell. Exceptional.

Sidney Powell and General Flynn
Read much more here.

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