Thursday, October 24, 2019

"Storming the Barbarians"

From JJ Sefton's Morning Report:
Good morning kids. Thursday and once again the Democrats are wiping copious quantities of flop sweat off their mugs, the media's attempts to bamboozle you into thinking the opposite notwithstanding. First up, their bombshell-du-jour testimony of this acting ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor is completely discredited considering Taylor's close relationship with a think tank that is funded by Burisma, the Ukie gas company that had Graft-Hunter Biden as a no-show board member for $50,000 a month. You'd be forgiven for not really knowing too much about this since the Democrat-Media Complex got completely thrown off their mission to pimp his cherry-picked and dubious testimony by Trump's utterance of the forbidden word "lynching." After they emitted enough CO2 charged flatus to inflate a Jupiter-sized atmosphere, video after video of top Democrats including their allegedly back-on-top frontrunner Joey Bidet using that very word itself emerged, causing a massive 'hummina-hummina-hummina" backtracking and equivocating, wherein the girl-groping demented hair-sniffer was forced to apologize, and none too convincingly either. Well played, yet again, Mr. President.

But wait, there's more! The media has been unable to cover up, deflect or obfuscate the scandal of freshman Congress-slut Katie "Cheap Thrill" Hill schtupping staff members of both sexes, which is a violation of House ethics rules, and all caught on tape to potentially be used as "kompromat." Kind of a serious thing considering Hill's non-missionary position on the House Armed Services Committee and the sensitive material that doubtless she is privy to.

Finally, and most uplifting, a group of GOP Congressmen have had enough of Adam Schiff-for-Brains and his phony impeachment illusion/delusion and stormed a secure room where he was supposedly gathering witness testimony to be used against the President. More than likely, he and the Deep State stooges, flunkies and liars in the espionage and/or Foggy Bottom cliques were colluding to concoct lies, since the bug-eyed Bolshevik was totally blindsided when Trump released the transcript of his call with Ukie prexy Zelensky. Naturally, the Democrat-Media Complex is freaking out about this outrage. Funny how they're not outraged that their GOP counterparts were excluded from the proceedings in the first place. Typical is ferret-faced economic illiterate Paul Krugman now claiming this is a harbinger of Trump using "mob tactics" to intimidate witnesses. Go tell that to Steve Scalise, Rand Paul, Andy Ngo and the Proud Boys, you weed.

On that last note vis a vis the storming of Schiff's secret star chamber, I thought it was a nice touch that they actually ordered in from Chik-Fil-A. Some commenters yesterday thought it was kind of a childish stunt. Please, give me a break. It was the perfect underscoring to the very same bully-boy thug tactics the Left has always used against us, and it was tame by comparison. It was also justified, unlike the Left's tactics of bum-rushing stages on campuses or public eateries or softball fields to silence by whatever means they choose our right to protest, gather, state our opinions or just have a goddam meal in peace. In the immortal words of Andrew Breitbart, "Fuck you. War."

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