Thursday, October 03, 2019

Red flag laws and the "misguided worship of due process"

In the American Thinker, John Velleco makes a case against red flag laws and the "misguided worship of due process."
The role of government is to punish bad actors and provide justice to victims — after the commission of an illegal act.

...President Trump should be familiar with this concept. In response to the Mueller investigation, President Trump lamented that he should be cloaked with the presumption of innocence and that it's a tall order to prove a negative — for someone to show that he didn't commit a crime. How true. But how much harder is it for a person to prove that he won't do something in the future? It's impossible. Yet that's the standard red flag laws impose on their victims.
Read more here.

This is a controversial issue that deserves to have a lot more attention than it has been given.

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