Friday, September 27, 2019

You are nobody!

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

The Democrats want to erase individual rights. They want it to be all about government. They show this with every move they make. They do not consider citizens to be of any importance. Beyond paying taxes, they seem to consider citizens useful idiots or downright annoyances. Depends on which side gets your votes. Heck, it is almost as if they don’t even actually need voters anymore. They have such a system of voter and election fraud in place that it sometimes amazes me that Republicans are still able to win elections anywhere!

Unfortunately, their Leftist base plays right into their agenda and increases the dangers to our American way of life. Freedom is very much on the endangered species list. They are going after Freedom of Speech and the Second Amendment gun rights with everything they’ve got. The term “hate speech” is a convenient excuse to shut down opposing opinions and it is an infringement of free speech. Any laws that deny access to firearms to anyone is an infringement of the right to defend ourselves. A right that is not only supposed to be constitutionally protected, but is actually a God-given right!

The new gender wars are a direct attack on individual rights at many levels. Pushing to both add additional genders and erase gender entirely is a war on individuality. Gender is a huge part of identity. A loss of honest gender identity is a loss of individualism. A person who is genderless is easier to force into a position of being a nonentity. They become less and less important. Soon just a nobody. They no longer matter ‘cause they aren’t really real. They are something made up out of whole cloth. As invisible as the emperor’s new clothes.

The new movement for gender neutral babies and children is horrifying for this reason. The term “theyby” instead of “baby”? Creepy!!! Why would a parent want to deny their children even the simplest of identities such as being a baby? Why would you not wish to celebrate the unique individual who is your child by announcing his or her gender? They are turned into something subhuman when you deny them gender and individual identity markers. Just as if you refer them to as “it”, you have relegated them to a position less than those of other people. It is as if you are saying they are just not quite worthy of being acknowledged as a person.

Of course, the Democrats and their Leftist cohorts are really anxious to simply deny many of the babies life at all. This is evident with their constant push for more abortions on any pretext and at any stage. Some even think killing a newborn baby is acceptable. After all, if a child is not really an individual with a unique identity after birth, how can a fetus possibly be considered a person prior to birth, right?

The Left seems to not just believe in the rights of the collective over the individual, they seemingly wish to erase the individual altogether. And, they seem to be doing it by waging war on the most vulnerable to start. Fetuses, babies, children, girls, women, and elderly top the list of those the Left are targeting. If you do not believe me, just look into the activities of the Left in regards to abortions, the Gender Equality Act, and denial of healthcare options for elderly citizens.

Believe me, to the Democrats and the Left, if you do not toe their line, support their agenda, fit into their narrative, and have worth to them, you are a nobody. And, nobody is gonna matter to them a darn little bit if they get their way!!!

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