Thursday, September 05, 2019

Tucker Carlson blasts Walmart's woke executives

The Daily Caller has two video clips of Tucker Carlson blasting Walmart for its decision to stop selling certain kinds of ammunition in its stores.
The Fox News host criticized the retail giant, explaining its critical role in lost jobs, low wages, and the decline of the American middle class.

In 2005, 20 percent of Walmart employees worked part-time. Today, the majority do. It’s the simple cruelty of math: If Walmart keeps employees’ hours low enough, it can avoid paying benefits. Can people really live like that? Not for long.

...Knowing that taxpayers will “subsidize” the low wages with welfare, Walmart is able to continue the practice.

“So to restate what just happened,” Tucker concluded. “The company more responsible than any other for destroying and degrading rural America — for making our towns uglier and cheaper and poorer — the same people who push the appalling lie that brightly-colored plastic crap from China is going to us happy — that company is now lecturing normal Americans — the very Americans they’ve hurt so badly— about how immoral they are for daring to protect themselves with firearms. And everyone in Washington, New York and LA is applauding them as they do it. It’s not a good sign.”
Read more here.

I have immense respect for Tucker Carlson and I agree with his criticism of Walmart's woke executives on gun control but I am and will continue to be a Walmart shopper. I eat a lot of fresh produce every day. They have the best selection at the best prices. I seriously doubt that Tucker's family shops there, so they don't know what they are missing! I also shop at the Dollar stores that beat Walmart's prices on many items. Walmart hires many people here in New Mexico who would not be hired by Walmart's competitors in the grocery business. In rural New Mexico Walmart is the place people shop for groceries. I seriously doubt that many Walmart employees qualify for welfare.

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