Sunday, September 29, 2019

The shrews are due!

In Town Hall, Kurt Schlichter is thinking Elizabeth Warren might become the Democrat candidate in 2020. However,
...grown men and women neither need nor want some National Nag pestering them to be better people. For one thing, we’re already manifestly better than the cast of weirdos, losers and pinko mutations that make up Warren’s motley base.

At least Joe Biden seems to know how to deal with normal people, or at least he did before he began his Botox’d strange-o act over the last few months. Regardless, the regular guy act was always a front – the real Joe Biden is just another DC insider who plowed the field for his ultra-achiever son Snortie to occupy a seat on some Ukrainian oligarch’s gas company at north of 50K a month when he wasn’t face-planted in a heap of Bolivia’s Best and/or working his bro’s widow.

But at least Gropey J could fake being a guy you might conceivably have a beer with. When Warren starts talking about having a beer it's enough to make you give up drinking. She makes me repelled by the thought of a cold, frosty brew – cold turkey inspired by a cold turkey. This is not a great candidate.

And she’s from Massachusetts, for Pete’s sake. For 50-plus years, the state with the Dropkick Murphy’s soundtrack has produced a non-stop series of electoral losers. Mike Dukakis? He managed to lose because someone told him he’d look butch in a tank. John Kerry. Sheesh, he managed to lose to W. Oh, and who can forget Mitt Romney? That Irish Setter-tormenting Fredocon nerd managed to lose to Candy Crowley even before he lost to Barack “I Bought a Mansion by the Seashore Because Climate Change Is a Hoax” Obama. The last guy from Boston who pulled it off was JFK, but at least he had scoring with Marilyn Monroe going for him.

Maybe the Democrat base thinks that after losing with their last unlikeable shrew, the shrews are due. But Elizabeth Warren is so uniquely unlikeable to Normal Americans – you know, ones who don’t wander about blue coastal cities introducing themselves with their pronouns – that this would be a McGovernesque rout if states like California, New York and the cold one up in the corner with the maple syrup weren’t so full of idiots. The fight is going to come down to a handful of states that liberals typically fly over and that are filled with people liberals despise. You know, the people who actually do the work that keeps us warm, fed and safe…the enemies of the Democrat Party.
Read more here.

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