Monday, September 23, 2019

Are the tech monopolies a threat to our freedom?

Ned Ryun writes in American Greatness,
...what has been called “advertising” through the tech companies is really just highly targeted customer acquisition. That isn’t advertising at all. It’s building long-term assets for a company.

...what has been called “advertising” through the tech companies is really just highly targeted customer acquisition. That isn’t advertising at all. It’s building long-term assets for a company.

The tech monopolies are a very real and present threat to our freedom. It cannot be stated strongly enough: if the tech monopolies are left in their current form, our republic and our freedoms are over. Anything and everything that will break their power, including antitrust suits, should be pursued.

But remember, it wasn’t something sexy that brought down Al Capone, one of the most notorious gangsters in our history. It was tax violations. The same approach could be used with the tech companies: all Steve Mnuchin must do is issue a Treasury edict that makes this issue of building intangible assets a Tier 1 audit issue, which means every auditor must look at advertising expenses not as deductions, but as long term capital assets.

These tech monopolies were allowed to come into existence because of gray areas and advantages created in law and tax regulations. Only law and regulation can bring them to heel.
Read more here.

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