Sunday, September 29, 2019

"A partisan hit job does not make you a whistleblower just because you go through the Whistleblower Protection Act."

Stephen Miller is one of Trump's best staffers, in my opinion. "I know the difference between a whistleblower and a deep state operative. This is a deep state operative! This is about, do you want a democracy in this country or do you want a deep state!"

But Chris Wallace wants to know "why Trump used three private lawyers to get information on the Bidens' activities in Ukraine. Why didn't he use any of the agencies of government that are under his command?" What difference does it make, Chris? Stephen begins to answer Chris Wallace's question but immediately Chris interrupts him. I have heard Giuliani explain several times that he was asked by top State Department officials to look into the corruption in Ukraine.

Stephen: "The President is the whistleblower here! The real scandal here is three years of deep state sabotage! If you are going to quote a particular Ukrainian prosecutor, you cannot pick and choose his quotes. It is not a buffet!"

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