Thursday, August 01, 2019

Tuesday night's debate

Since Scott Adams was the earliest and one of the few who predicted the 2016 election result, I am following his analysis on the 2020 candidates. Remember, he looks at persuasion; is the candidate capable of persuading people? Here is Scott's review of the Tuesday night Democrat debate.

Nobody had charisma.

There isn't a president in that group; probably not a nominee, either.

Bernie looked not sane and about to experience some severe medical condition.

Ryan and Delaney looked like Republicans.

Liz Warren's face looks frozen. Botox? Very lawyerly, but not persuasive. She used the word scared. A leader is like Churchill, prepared to fight for their country. Some of her sentences were insanely complicated.

Buttigieg is too intellectual, not relatable.

Marianne Williamson has no chance.

Beto is the emptiest suit. Nothing he says feels like it has any meaning. Little substance.

Amy Klobuchar is not telegenic.

A toothless group. It looks like another case of the media picking the candidate, as the candidates who are polling highest were given the most time, although Scott understands why an argument can be made to do that.

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