Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Choice is Ours

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

Two phrases keep coming into my mind as I think about people voting in the election of 2020. The first comes from the movie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The Grail Knight tells them, “You must choose. But choose wisely, for while the true Grail will bring you life, the false Grail will take it from you.” I feel it is like a true American leader will bring us freedom, but a false American leader will take it from us. We must be careful to choose wisely. To not be led astray by the shiny promises and hold fast to the unvarnished truths.

The second phrase comes from a hymn frequently sung by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. “Choose the Right” has become a popular motto taught to children and used by members as a reminder to make choices that will help an individual to live righteously. Again, a prompt to essentially “choose wisely”. I hope all will consider carefully and choose the Right. Right as in red. Right as in Republican. Right as in correct.

Some people look at this upcoming election as Trump versus the Democrat nominee. But, it is so much more than that. It truly is a choice, in my opinion, between good and evil. Moral and immoral. Ethics and corruption. It goes so far beyond Republican versus Democrat or Conservative versus Liberal, yet I am not certain many Americans, even Conservatives, are aware of how deep the battle goes. People sometimes choose to not vote ‘cause they say it is just choosing between the lesser of two evils. But, hey, at least it is less evil. That is a first step in the right direction!

It is truly a life or death situation. The wrong choices can spell the death of liberty. IN many ways the death of a nation. Our nation. America as we know if could disappear if all of us to not choose wisely. If we do not choose the side that wants what is best for America. What is best for Americans. And, the side which rejects the ideals of a one world government, where the individual and individual rights are unimportant. Liberty cannot exist where the individual is of no consequence.

We are not merely choosing Donald J. Trump, we are choosing freedom. Everything being promised by the various Democrat wannabes is about oppression. Mostly the Left’s platform is about loss of rights and more taxation, with the ever present abortion at the forefront. So, we can choose freedom or oppression. I personally vote for freedom and will therefore vote for Trump.

I look at this choice as not just Right or Left, but right or wrong. While the Right is not perfect, there is just so much wrong with the Left. When one of their never-ending campaign issues is the free and unlimited killing of unborn children, how can they ever lay claim to some nonexistent higher moral ground??? Then, there is their unquenchable thirst for ever more taxation when the tax levels already amount to theft. Not to mention the fact that in many Democrat strongholds across America is it becoming more and more evident that outright theft has been taking place with the missing funds sent here and there to assist communities.

In short, this 2020 election may well be choosing between Donald Trump and Socialism. Socialism takes away freedoms, private property, and implements restrictive government . . . everything for which the Democrats, in one form or another, are advocating. So, we are preparing to choose the American Dream or a Socialist Nightmare. Since I much prefer American apple pie to Venezuelan starvation, I am voting for everyone with an R after their name on the ballot. It might not be perfect, but it sure as heck beats the alternative! Better a flawed good choice than a bad choice that leads eventually to no choice. If you doubt this, ask the Venezuelans and Cubans what choice they have???

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